A primary school teacher with a passion for creating resources, especially if those resources save you some time! If you enjoy the resources, I would love it if you could leave a review. Thank you!
A primary school teacher with a passion for creating resources, especially if those resources save you some time! If you enjoy the resources, I would love it if you could leave a review. Thank you!
A fully resourced lesson covering the National Curriculum Science aims for Plants in Year 1. This lesson includes two fun activities and it is therefore recommended it be done either in two lessons or over an afternoon.
Label the part of the flower (sheets included)
Wild Flower Scavenger Hunt (sheets included)
Leaf Rubbing Task (sheets included)
Aims Covered:
Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants
For the Knowledge Organiser and Lesson, follow this link!
For the corresponding Knowledge Organiser, follow this link!
Help promote women in STEM with these colouring fact sheets. Fun and educational, helping children learn about the amazing achievements of these woman scientists.
Rosalind Franklin
Marie Curie
Tiera Guinn Fletcher
Jane Goodall
Mae Jemison
Elizabeth Blackwell
Clear and useful science knowledge organisers covering all of the Year 3 Science curriculum. These knowledge organisers includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. They are one side of A4 so easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. I hope you enjoy using it!
Knowledge Organisers Included:
-Forces and Magnets
-Animals Including Humans
A clear and simple science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 3. Perfect for your Plants science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. I hope you enjoy using it!
Your whole Year 1 Plants Topic!
A fully resourced lesson covering the National Curriculum Science aims for Plants in Year 1. This lesson includes two fun activities and it is therefore recommended it be done either in two lessons or over an afternoon.
Label the part of the flower (sheets included)
Wild Flower Scavenger Hunt (sheets included)
Leaf Rubbing Task (sheets included)
A clear and simple science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 1. Perfect for your Plants science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed.
Aims Covered:
Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants
We hope you enjoy using it!
For just the Knowledge Organiser, follow this link!
For just the lesson, follow this link!
A clear and simple science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 1. Perfect for your Plants science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
For the corresponding lesson, resources and Knowledge Organiser, follow this link!
A clear and detailed science knowledge organiser aimed at Lower Key Stage 2. Perfect for your Forces and Magnets science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
A clear and simple science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 3. Perfect for your Rocks science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. I hope you enjoy using it!
A clear and simple science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 3. Perfect for your Light science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. I hope you enjoy using it!
A clear and detailed science knowledge organiser aimed at Year 3. Perfect for your Animals Including Humans science topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills and objectives, key vocabulary and helpful links. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!